This play is a landmark achievement in deepening understanding of what we go through. As someone who continually fights against the concept that we are delusional or mentally ill, the way Michael portrays the depth and intensity of what persistent gender dysphoria feels like is brilliant, and it will affect audiences positively and beneficially with its humor and compassion for so many aspects of our experience AND the experiences of the people around us. Yup; he nailed it!!
- Jamison Green, Author and Educator, Transgender Advocate
I was sobbing the whole show and laughing too. I think for the climate of the world the timing is perfect. The way the story unfolds and moves and how Michael played each character was insane. Seriously I could see it again. And I seriously think it will help people understand better what people go through.
- Melanie Mills, Makeup Artist & Entrepreneur
I’m particularly impressed by the structure and writing, jumping around in time made easy. No fat anywhere, all story and characters moving forward. One tight show. Then Michael went and gave a commanding performance. Funny and vulnerable, showing his skill and comfort as a performer
- Jesse Thorillhon, Writer & Landscape Architect
Michael’s artistry was moving, powerful, and beautifully executed.
- Lee Garlington, Actress & Coach
This show was AMAZING and BRILLIANT! I am still completely blown away. I absolutely loved it. Thank you for putting this beautiful work out into the world.
- Jessica Gelson, Psychotherapist
Oh. My. God. I had the highest hopes and expectations for the show... MICHAEL SURPASSED ALL OF THEM! He truly is a brilliant actor. He truly is a brilliant writer. Best of all, he truly is a brilliant human. He is going to SOAR with this... in so many areas and ways! Thank you for sharing the magic. My friend Linda was blown away as well. We were both making lists of all the people in our lives that MUST see this! (which is pretty much everybody!)
-Patti Negri, TV Host
It's a really great piece! I wish I my wife had seen it with me. I needed to talk more about it! Great sign for any piece of art.
- Nic de Armendi, Talent Agent
I LOVED the staged reading of 4 Cubits Make a Man. I was deeply moved by Michael’s courage to authentically, clearly, powerfully tell his story. I was impressed by how fully he inhabited each character, and what a myriad of characters he plays! WOW!!! There are SO MANY things I LOVE about this show!!!
- Josie Batorski, Teacher